CHFA Stakeholder Meeting Recap

During the third week of September, members of the CHFA met up to discuss the most recent updates in the industry. Summary of specific topics is included below.

  • Health Canada is planning on introducing an application fee for product licences. Further clarification is to be sent out in late fall - the fee is currently at a drafting stage and will be determined based on the stakeholder feedback.

    Improvements have been seen in the application processing time, with the majority of Class I and II applications now processed within NNHPD’s performance target.

    Non-hypothetical applications are to continue being prioritized over hypothetical applications.

  • Health Canada continues to prioritize renewals for site licences in an effort to aid with its volume. New site licence applications are accepted, but they are not prioritized at this time.

    For Foreign Site Reference Numbers (FSRNs), priority is given to those linked to a Canadian importer.


Daily Nutrition Values Update


Supplemented Foods